


by 乔治亚州保护区协会

发布 2023年8月23日 在凌晨0点

The 乔治亚州保护区协会 held is annual Hall of Fame Banquet on Aug. 8 during its annual meeting to honor and award those individuals who have gone above and beyond to further conservation efforts. 该奖项是卓越的专业支持, 年度最佳地区, 年度最佳监督员, 年度城市环保主义者和年度环保主义者.


GACD recognizes farmers and landowners that are conducting exemplary conservation work on their land and have demonstrated a strong commitment to soil and water conservation through their land stewardship, 十大老品牌网赌网址大全, 社区互动, 和/或教育. The recipient of GACD’s 2023 年度环保主义者 award is Brian Ponder.

Ponder is a fourth-generation farmer from Tift County where he farms 3000 acres of peanuts, 棉花, 玉米, 西瓜, 山核桃, 松木.

土壤健康, 节约水, and reducing diesel emissions are a few of the factors that go into the management of his farm. All of the peanuts and 棉花 on the farm are strip-tilled into cover crops which reduces soil disturbance and erosion. 他利用梯田和水道来减少侵蚀. 节约用水, 所有的灌溉系统都有滴管技术, 监管机构, 是低气压, and almost all have been converted from diesel pumping systems to electricity.

Brian also received the National Association of Conservation Districts’ Friend of Conservation award and serves as a local district supervisor for the Middle South Georgia Conservation District and on the GACD Board. He was nominated for this award by the Middle South Georgia Conservation District.


GACD has a new award this year to recognize urban conservationists for their exemplary work and strong commitment to soil and water conservation through their land stewardship, 十大老品牌网赌网址大全, 社区互动, 以及格鲁吉亚城市地区的教育. 收件人是博士。. 杰奎琳Echols.

Dr. Echols has been at the forefront of environmental change in the Atlanta area, serving as the president of the South River Alliance Watershed where she leads efforts to restore the health and integrity of the South River.  She also leads advocacy and community engagement efforts to raise awareness of water pollution issues affecting Atlanta and Dekalb County and was successful in having the DeKalb County sewer overflows to be corrected by the county.

Echols’ more than two decades of work to improve water quality in Atlanta’s waterways and protect the city’s tree canopy earned her the 2017 Environmental Hero Award, 迪卡尔布县2016年社区英雄先锋奖, 以及2014年亚特兰大市颁发的公园骄傲奖. She was nominated for this award by the Dekalb County Conservation District.


The 年度最佳地区 award was established by GACD and the Tennessee Valley Authority in 2001 to recognize the conservation district in Georgia which best plans, 实现了, 并在某一年报告一个保护项目. GACD认可乔治亚州海岸土壤 & 节水区获评2023年度最佳地区.

The Coastal Conservation District has been a consistent leader in its community by providing conservation-based educational opportunities for local producers and students. The district has led and hosted multiple workshops including Level 1A renewal course, 遗产规划, 在斯图尔特堡进行环保实践, 还有一个野猪控制车间. The district also participates in GACD’s feral swine trapping program and offers trapping services to landowners throughout the district. The district supports local youth conservation education by mentoring FFA students and providing them with opportunities to learn more about forestry, 支持4H传粉者栖息地的努力, 参加GACD的海报和摄影比赛.


GACD presents a 年度最佳监督员 award annually at its annual meeting. 该奖项旨在表彰模范成就, 领导, 并为GACD服务, 协会, 以及当地社区. 桑尼·特纳, 代表沃尔顿县自然保护区的地区主管, 2023年度最佳监督员是谁.

特纳自2010年以来一直担任地区主管. 他在沃尔顿县的环保工作从年轻人开始. He is known for mentoring high school students and giving them resources to succeed in the agriculture and conservation fields. He spearheads scholarship opportunities and is a fierce supporter of sending students to the Natural Resources Conservation Workshop every year.

Turner also takes pride in sharing the benefits of conservation to local farmers. He frequently gives tours on his family farm in Greene County to highlight the use of conservation practices such as erosion control, 入侵物种管理和池塘管理. He serves on many state and local 领导 positions including alternate vice president for GACD Group 2. Sonny is completely dedicated to the success of the conservation district and conservation efforts in Walton County. Turner was nominated for this award by the Walton County Conservation District.


每年, GACD presents an award to an individual recognized as providing superior support to soil and water conservation districts in Georgia. This year the GACD 卓越的专业支持 recipient is Tixie Fowler with the Gwinnett County Conservation District.

Fowler has written and received funding for two large grants for the district; one called the ‘Urban Conservation Toolbox Grant’ for $166,另一项是195美元的“Bridge Grant”,500. Fowler involved the district with a partnership with Mercer University that led to the creation of an AgSTEM project.

One of her biggest accomplishments has been the 领导 she has shown with developing district sponsorship and involvement in the very successful Crayfish Creek Restoration Project. Fowler has created educational videos for students and has hosted numerous educational workshops for youth, 成年人, 和教育工作者. 她对地区和社区的奉献是值得赞扬的. Fowler was nominated for this award by the Gwinnett County Conservation District.

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